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網上筆記 Online Lecture Notes ( Finance 財務學 )
  ( B = Bachelor Level, M = Master Level, D = Doctor Level )

Introduction & Foundation 入門及概論

  作者 來頭 課目 評語
1. Jin E. Zhang The University of Hong Kong Introduction to Finance


2. Adam Szeidl University Of California, Berkeley Financial Economics


3. Stephen F. LeRoy University of California, Santa Barbara Principles of Finance Introduction to Finance


4. Alexander K. Koch Royal Holloway, University of London Financial Economics


5. Campbell R. Harvey Duke University Financial Management

(B, M)

6. Markus K. Brunnermeier Princeton University Financial Economics I

(M, D)

7. Tyler Shumway University of Michigan Introduction to Finance

(M, D)

8. Antonio Mele LSE Lecture Notes in Financial Economics

(M, D)

9. Xavier Gabaix MIT Behavioral Economics and Finance

(M, D)

Corporate Finance 企業財務

  作者 來頭 課目 評語
1. Aswath Damodaran New York University Corporate Finance


2. Crocker H. Liu New York University Financial Management


3. Jonathan Berk University of California, Berkeley Corporate Finance


4. Jonathan Lewellen MIT Financial Management

(B, M)

5. Alon Brav
Ron Kaniel
Duke University Global Financial Management
Global Financial Management

(B, M)

6. Dirk Jenter
Katharina Lewellen
MIT Finance Theory II

(B, M)

7. Antoinette Schoar
David Scharfstein
MIT Entrepreneurial Finance

(B, M)

8. David T. Robinson Duke University Entrepreneurial Finance


9. Joao Miguel Ejarque University of Essex Topics in (Corporate) Finance


10. Konan Chan (湛可南) National Taiwan University (國立台灣大學) Financial Management


11. Gary Shea University of St Andrews Corporate Finance Corporate Finance


12. Aswath Damodaran New York University Valuation

(B, M)

International Finance

  作者 來頭 課目 評語
1. David Bates The University of Iowa International Finance


2. Barry W. Ickes Pennsylvania State University International Finance and Open Economy Macroeconomics

(B, M)

3. David A. Latzko Wilkes University International Trade & Finance

(B, M)

4. Campbell R. Harvey Duke University International Finance


Risk Management

  作者 來頭 課目 評語
1. Mark Glitto First Union National Bank Financial Risk Management


2. Rick Brooks Freed-Hardeman University Risk Management


3. Richard Buttimer University of North Carolina at Charlotte Risk Management and Fixed Income Derivatives

(B, M)

4. Michael W. Brandt Duke University FIXED INCOME AND RISK MANAGEMENT

(B, M)

5. Marco Avellaneda New York University Topics in Probability: The mathematics of financial risk-management

(M, D)

Investment 投資

  作者 來頭 課目 評語
1. 楊朝成 National Taiwan University (國立台灣大學) Funds Management (基金管理)


2. Konan Chan (湛可南) National Taiwan University (國立台灣大學) Investments


3. Crocker H. Liu New York University Investment


4. Gary Shea University of St Andrews Investment Analysis

(B, M)

5. Aswath Damodaran New York University Investment


6. Paul Soderlind University of St. Gallen Theory of Finance I (New) Theory of Finance I (Old) Theory of Finance II (New) Theory of Finance II (Old)


7. Reto Gallati MIT Investments


8. Kent D. Daniel Northwestern University Investments


Asset Pricing

  作者 來頭 課目 評語
1. Markus K. Brunnermeier Princeton University Asset Pricing Theory I: Pricing Models and Derivatives


2. Tyler Shumway University of Michigan Continuous-Time Asset Pricing

(M, D)

3. Robert V. Kohn New York University Continuous Time Finance

(M, D)

Financial Markets & Institutions 財務市場及工具

  作者 來頭 課目 評語
1. Robert J. Shiller Yale University Financial Markets


2. Rebecca Zarutskie Duke University Venture Capital and Private Equity


3. 黃達業 National Taiwan University (國立台灣大學) 金融機構與市場


4. 陳業寧 National Taiwan University (國立台灣大學) 金融機構管理


5. Mikhail Chernov
Michael Johannes
Columbia University Capital Markets
Capital Markets


6. Robert V. Kohn New York University Derivative Securities

(M, D)

Real Estate Finance

  作者 來頭 課目 評語
1. Crocker H. Liu New York University Real Estate Finance


2. David Geltner
Tod McGrath
MIT Real Estate Finance and Investment
Real Estate Finance & Investments II

(B, M)

3. Richard Buttimer University of North Carolina at Charlotte Real Estate Capital Markets


4. Steven Ott University of North Carolina at Charlotte Real Estate Finance and Investment


Financial Econometrics & Mathematics

  作者 來頭 課目 評語
1. Marco Avellaneda New York University Mathematics of Finance


2. Paul Soderlind University of St. Gallen Financial Econometrics (New)
Financial Econometrics (Old)
Empirical Finance (New)
Empirical Finance (Old)

(M, D)

3. John Cochrane University of Chicago Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance

(M, D)

4. James V. Burke University of Washington Nonlinear Optimization with Applications in Financial Optimization

(M, D)

5. Robert Kohn New York University Continuous-Time Finance

(M, D)

6. Mikhail Chernov Columbia University Estimation of Continuous-Time Models in Finance


